
The workspace lists all checked out pages and reports  their status. There are two workspaces that are automatically created when pages are checked out:


  1. My Workspace - page that displays all pages checked out by the logged in user.

  2. Workspace for All Users - The page displays all pages currently checked out by all users for the site. A link to this page only appears for Administrators.


When Approvals are active the  workspace consists of two sections:

  1. Items checked out

  2. Items pending approval (this section only appears if the content editor is the approval assignee)

If Approvals are bypassed then the items pending approval section does not appear on either workspace.


Action links will appear and disappear next to each page depending on what stage the page is in. The table below describes the editor actions and lists the links that appear as a result of the action.


Workspace Action Links


Content Editor Action

Links Shown


Page is checked out by clicking on the EZEdit link on the Menus or Independent Page listings.

Edit, History, Undo Checkout

Changes to the page content or meta data have not been saved.

History is blank.

Last Accessed Date
will show that the page content has not been updated.

Undo Checkout will check the page in.

Page edits are saved and the content editor is closed.

Edit, History, Undo Checkout, Rebuild

History includes the most recent save content and meta data.


Undo Checkout will loose all page edits and check the page pack in.

 Last Accessed Date will have a date and time stamp indicating when the page was saved.


Rebuild will rebuild page cache and then the link will disappear.

Page is rebuilt but not checked in.

Edit, History, Undo Checkout, Check In, Approve

History will contain one archive for each time the page was saved.

The Check In link appears. The page will be checked in with changes, the default approval assignee will receive email notification. If the default assignee is the logged in content edit then the Approve link will appear.


The page is checked in (approvals are not active).

No links will appear and the page line item will disappear.



The page is checked in and is ready for publication. The "P' check box on the Menus or Independent page listings will be checked.


The page is checked in with (approvals are active).

Radio Button for further processing.

1. None

2. Approve

3. Approve and Publish

Page moves to Items Pending Approval section of the workspace if the editor is the approval assignee.